Monday 15 October 2012

Week 5 - The Longest Week Ever

Well, after seven of the longest days of my life, I'm happy to say that I was able to figure out three of the easy questions and get them handed in for marks. The first question wasn't too bad, the real challenge there was getting the model loaded in. After that the lights weren't too difficult as it was just a simple implementation of scene graph elements mostly.

But it was only easy because of all the scene graph practice I got while doing easy question two. After the excruciating experience of getting the procedural libraries to function correctly, actually implementing the question was fairly easy, if not long and tedious. I worked out a solution to getting everything parented, positioned, and rotated correctly and I'm actually kind of proud of how it turned out. I did however struggle for a long time with getting ogre to render the primitives with a material though, which I later found out had been working all along...there were just no lights in the scene. Whoops.

For the life of me, I couldn't get the billboards to function correctly, but I did manage to get easy question six done, which was the skydome with a texture animated on it. Turns out it was only about four lines of code to get working properly. I wish more things could be done in four lines. Sigh.

All I have to do now in order to qualify for the midterm is get the solar system medium question done for Friday. Yay(?).

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