Monday, 29 October 2012

A Brief Reprieve, and Moving Forward

I took a little, I feel, well deserved break after the last few weeks I've had slogging through my engine work to relax a tiny bit and catch up on other far less anguishing school work. After that I planned out my next couple of weeks so that hopefully I can meet the medium question deadline as well as have enough time to take a crack at a hard question in time for the exam.

For the medium question I'll be attempting morphing, wherein the user will be able to select two objects through a simple graphical user interface and have them morph together into one object. I assume this involves approximating a third object based on the vertices of the selected two, but after working with the engine I know that my initial assumptions are usually wrong. So, we'll see how that turns out.

From there I'll be trying to do the leveled-up AI medium question for my hard experience points. It simply involves doing more behaviours than the medium question would call for. I figure that once I get a handle on the general way of making one behaviour I should be able to suss out enough to turn the question in for 15 points. With that, I'll have just enough to do the exam, so right now I'm content with this plan.

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